Configuration (V2)

To configure the odd-box proxy server, create a configuration file following the format provided in the example configuration file. The configuration file uses the TOML format and is designed to define both remote targets (sites that odd-box proxies traffic to) and hosted processes (sites or services managed directly by odd-box).

Running odd-box without any arguments it will first try to read from odd-box.toml, then Config.toml. You can supply a custom config path using: ./odd-box “/tmp/my-file.toml”

It is also possible to update the active configuration at runtime thru an administration API which fully documents the possible settings.

Configuration Variables

$root_dirResolves to whatever you set it to in the global configuration section.
$cfg_dirResolves to the directory which the configuration toml file was read from.
$portResolves to whatever port has been specified in the configuration. Only used for hosted processes.

Tip: if you are editing the confguration file using vs-code you should try the “even better toml” extension, which will provide you not only with syntax highlighting but also intellisense based on the configuration files ‘#:schema …’ tag.

Basic Configuration Structure

There are more options than the ones shown here; these are the most commonly used ones. See the example configuration or schema.json file for a list of all possible options.

  1. Global Settings: Set the global properties like http_port, tls_port, ip, log_level, port_range_start, and env_vars. These settings control the overall behavior of odd-box.

    version = "V3"
    http_port = 8080
    tls_port = 4343
    ip = ""
    log_level = "Trace"
    port_range_start = 4242
    env_vars = []
    lets_encrypt_account_email = "[email protected]"
    • version: Must be “V2”
    • http_port: TCP Port for the server to use. Defaults to 8080 if not specified.
    • tls_port: TCP Port for the server to buse. Defaults to 4343 if not specified.
    • ip: IP Address for the server to use. Defaults to if not specified.
    • log_level: info/warn/err/debug/trace - defaults to info of not specified.
    • port_range_start: Must be specified - used for automatically assign the PORT env var to hosted sites (if not set explicity for a site).
    • env_vars: List of environment variables that all hosted processes should have.
    • lets_encrypt_account_email: (Optional) Set email to use if you wish to use lets-encrypt.
  2. Adding Remote Targets: Define remote targets to forward traffic to external servers. Each remote_target requires a host_name (the incoming domain) and a list of backends (the target servers). To add a new remote site:

    host_name = ""
    backends = [
        # hints are optional and used for specifying if server requires for example H2C.
        { https = true, address="", port=443, hints = [] }
    • host_name: The incoming domain that odd-box will listen for.
    • backends: A list of backend servers to forward traffic to. The https property specifies if TLS is used.
  3. Adding Hosted Processes: Define hosted processes that odd-box will manage. These are services that odd-box can start, stop, and restart. Each hosted_process requires a host_name, dir, bin, and args:

    host_name = "myapp.local"
    dir = "/home/kalle/" # variables like $root_dir or $config_dir are allowed here
    bin = "/usr/bin/python3" # variables like $root_dir or $config_dir are allowed here
    args = ["-m", "http.server", "$port"] # variables like $port, $root_dir & $config_dir are allowed here
    exclude_from_start_all = false # if you do not wish start this site when pressing the 's' key in tui mode.
    auto_start = true 
    hints = ["H1","H2","H2C","H2CPK","H3"]
    capture_subdomains = false
    https = false 
    env_vars = [
        { key = "some-environment-variable", value = "example-value" }, 
    • host_name: The incoming domain that odd-box will listen for.
    • dir: Directory where the process will be executed.
    • bin: Executable path to a binary file (absolute, relative to dir, or in pwd)
    • args: Arguments to pass to the binary.
    • auto_start: (Optional) Set to true to automatically start the process with odd-box.
    • hints: (Optional) Not normally needed but can be set to specify that a server requires for example H2C.
    • https: (Optional) Set to true if the process uses HTTP (TLS)
    • enable_lets_encrypt: (Optional) Set to true to enable lets-encrypt to be used for this site.
    • exclude_from_Start_all: (Optional) Set this to false if you do not want this site to start automatically when odd-box starts, and to have it excluded from the start_all command.
    • capture_subdomains: (Optional) Set to true if you want to listen to *.host_name and not just host_name.
  4. Adding dir servers: for serving static websites or files. Supports directory indexing and markdown rendering.

    host_name = ""
    dir = "$cfg_dir"
    enable_directory_browsing = true
    render_markdown = true

    (by default, index.html will be served when browsing to a site, but also (markdown) files can be served as html automatically)