If you are hosting a local project that you are currently working on, and want to do a rebuild without having to manually start and stop your site - you may want to consider having a pre-build step that does it for you:
You can enable or disable all sites or specific ones using the http://localhost:port/START and http://localhost:port/STOP endpoints, optionally using query parameter “?proc=my_site” to stop or start a specific site. Sites start automatically again on the next request. The same can be acomplished thru the admin-api.
As all the routing is based on hostnames, your client machine(s) must of course be able to resolve those names correctly to the proxy server IP. If you are working on a local machine this can be configured either by adding entries to your host file pointing each domain to or by using something like localtest.me.me or test.localhost, eg. my-first-site.localtest.me when configuring hosted sites. More advanced users might use their own DNS servers to set up these domains however they like.
[[hosted_process]] host_name = "py.localtest.me" bin = "$cfg_dir/python" # <--- $cfg_dir here will expand to whichever directory your odd-box.toml configuration file lives args = [ "-m", "http.server", "$port" # <--- Here, the $port variable will be replaced by odd-box ]
[[hosted_process]] host_name = "nginx.localhost" bin = "podman" args = [ "run", "--replace", "--quiet", "-p$port:80", # <--- Here, the $port variable will be replaced by odd-box "--name", "odd-nginx", "nginx" ]